We believe that discovering our true nature, the divine within every man and woman, helps us overcome life’s challenges.
Our Books

Beyond This Life
by Greg Stone
Beyond this Life, a novel of the near-death experience, invites readers on a spiritual adventure. Enjoy this rare journey into the afterlife that reveals our true nature as immortal souls. Philosophy, science, and spirituality are lifted to new heights. Ray Carte, departs his body as a result of a car crash and is led to question the role divine love plays in our existence beyond this life.

Preparing for Mediation: A Practical Guide
by Greg Stone
Successful people—in athletics, the arts, education, or business—do not leave outcomes to chance. They prepare for success. You can, too. This easy-to-use guide prepares you to make sound decisions during dispute resolution, leading to successful outcomes.
Our Story
Inspiring Fiction and Non-Fiction
At Pink Unicorn Publishing we believe value and meaning have their roots in a world of peace, joy, and contentment that awaits our arrival. We invite our readers to join us in the search for paths to peace. We offer titles that are both inspiring and practical, non-fiction and fiction.
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Pink Unicorn Publishing
Pink Unicorn Publishing is a division of Teahouse Media, LLC.